Help Why Trash tahoe

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Three Simple Words: Why Trash Tahoe
Share the website with friends and family if we improved your life in anyway. The public has been kind enough to place our stickers everywhere across Lake Tahoe. Let us know if you find one. If you have anything to share or want to criticize us on then you're more than free to do so.

Talk To Us Directly: 
The best thing you can do is send us an email or contact us via if you want to get involved.
But if you want to do more you can do the following below:

Digitization of All Tahoe Documents.
This is more than likely the most labor intensive task, we have dozens of books that are photographed and preserved but they also need to be transcribed into a digital and easily shareable PDF format. Either via use of a transcribe or OCR Software then later vectorize/redraw to preserve graphics such as maps and guides. It'll be time consuming but necessary.

Persistent Cleanups
We do weekly cleanups, we don't advertise them anywhere online. They're mostly a few people and picking up around the Lake. Every little piece makes the difference. The reason we don't advertise cleanups is because we believe it sends the wrong message to non-residents. Implying that they will continue to trash Lake Tahoe simply because they're aware the locals will clean it up for them. I worked with visitors for years and this was a frequent remark from visitors "You locals will clean it up right? We're enjoying our vacation".

Do Not Donate To Us:
If you want to help, you can contribute it in the aforementioned requested assistance above. We are not taking any financial assistance of any kind. If you do not accept that you can feel free to write us an email or complain to us in person we'll happily buy you coffee or beer.

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