Our Cleanups

Over 30,000 Pieces Collected And Properly Removed as of 2022

We photograph every single piece of trash we find as it is found.
We shall prove everything to the best of our ability at all times in every way. By photographing the pieces we are able to study the problem and provide data to both private and public sectors to assist in mitigating the trash issue.

Everything in total, (we haven't counted the 2022 numbers yet) is 24,823 files and 686.4 GB we always photograph every piece in the highest possible quality that our gear allows for the best possible results. Managing and maintaining that many files is very difficult and can be mentally draining.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

Specific Knowledge on Cleanups
(Full Articles Coming Soon)

How Do We Do Cleanups

How Do I Clean Car Wrecks?

How Do I Clean Fragile Plastic?

How Do I Clean Trash From Highways?

How Do I Clean Unnatural Liquids?